5 Lord Of The Rings Characters We Could See In The Hunt For Gollum

If you’re going to have a “Hunt for Gollum” movie, you need to get Aragorn involved. For those who have only watched the movies, the suggestion may sound a bit confusing. The Ranger doesn’t cross paths with Gollum during “The Lord of the Rings” story. Before that narrative starts, though, Aragorn becomes more comfortable with Gollum’s company than he’d like.
In the book “The Fellowship of the Ring,” Aragorn tells the Council of Elrond that he helped Gandalf hunt Gollum when the Wizard was seeking information about the One Ring. This is one of the events that lead up to Gandalf’s return to Bad End to see if Frodo kept his secret safe and to inform him that he needs to pack up and get out of Dodge before Black Riders get him.
Gandalf and Aragorn hunt for Sméagol together, but it’s Strider who does more of the grunt work. Aragorn tells the Council that he came within sight of the Black Gate during his pursuit and stumbled on the sneaky wretch by fortune. Gollum bites Aragorn and the Ranger has to forcibly return him to Mirkwood (hundreds of miles away). “I deemed it the worst part of all my journey, the road back,” Aragorn says in the book, “watching him day and night, making him walk before me with a halter on his neck, gagged, until he was tamed by lack of drink and food, driving him ever toward Mirkwood.”
As the one who does most of the titular hunting, Aragorn is a major player in the capture of Gollum by the anti-Sauron allies. Who knows, maybe the studio can even get Viggo Mortensen back to play the Ranger one more time.