A Luke Skywalker Scene in The Last Jedi Is Causing Debate Again

Most folks commenting on the Reddit thread in question seem to agree that Luke would have long odds against a full army on Crait. No matter how powerful an individual Jedi is, being so woefully outnumbered and outgunned with no support is a near-certifiable death sentence. Some commenters pointed to Order 66 — when many wise and powerful Jedi were gunned down by clone troopers in just a matter of seconds. To be fair, the clones have the element of surprise there, which Luke would have on Crait. Even still, it seems unlikely that one man with a lightsaber could defeat such a massive military host.

The debate is fun, though, because we don’t know everything that Luke is capable of during his final days in “The Last Jedi.” This is one of the many criticisms that often come up regarding the film — that Luke, the hero of the galaxy, never really gets to show off his full range of lightsaber skills and Force powers. Those who came to the film from the old Expanded Universe novels (aka “Star Wars” Legends) were accustomed to more of a Gandalf the Grey kind of Luke — a master so powerful he was a legend in his own time.

In Rian Johnson’s defense, “The Last Jedi” builds its own compelling myth for Luke Skywalker. And, as many on the Reddit thread pointed out, the whole point of the film would be undone if he’d actually shown up in person to fight

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