Are Keanu Reeves’ Worst Movies Still Worth Watching?

Let’s start with a quote from Roger Ebert: “The entire notion is brainless.” He’s talking about a specific scene from 1988’s “The Prince of Pennsylvania,” but the criticism applies to the overall venture. Ebert wasn’t impressed with this film, and, looking at its page on Rotten Tomatoes, neither was anyone else (it holds a 14% critic rating). However, we would argue that they’re all missing the point.

“The Prince of Pennsylvania” came before Keanu Reeves was famous, and it’s easily one of his goofiest roles. Reeves plays a would-be punk rocker named Rupert Marshetta, who the movie’s tagline describes as “looking for love, happiness, wisdom, truth, and the meaning of life. All by next Thursday.” To the movie’s detriment, it opens by presenting seemingly real characters with seemingly real problems before, probably accidentally, becoming so sitcom-y it feels like parody.

The thing is, as long as you know this going in, “The Prince of Pennsylvania” makes for a pretty good time. This is definitely a so-bad-it’s-good scenario, so your mileage may vary here. Anyone who can get a kick out of seeing over-the-top events play out for virtually no reason other than it being what the plot demands is in for a treat with this one. With an audience score of 49% on Rotten Tomatoes, almost one-in-two viewers enjoyed it.

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