Every Poltergeist Movie In Order & How To Watch Them

A haunted house movie with a twist that could only be co-conceived by Tobe Hooper and Steven Spielberg, “Poltergeist” opens the film series by pitting your average family against the supernatural. The Freelings moved into a planned community that’s been sold by real estate agent father Steve. Surely, the house his boss has told him is perfectly safe couldn’t have been built upon a graveyard, right?
That’s the nightmare Steve, his wife Diane (JoBeth Williams), teen daughter Dana (Dominique Dunne), tweener Robbie (Oliver Robins), and baby sister Carol Anne must cope with. The spirits take a liking to Carol Anne and try to hold her hostage, causing the Freelings to contact Tangina — who comes complete with her own camera crew. It turns out that Carol Anne might be the key to freeing them from purgatory. Who will survive, and will the spirits get their way and keep Carol Ann?
The original “Poltergeist” is currently streaming exclusively on MGM+. One can, however, rent the film digitally at $3.99 or buy it for $9.99 at most major streaming retailers.