Huge Actors We Can’t Believe Were In Movies With A 0% Rotten Tomatoes Score

If there is one actor you can’t accuse of having a boring career, it’s Billy Bob Thornton. Every project he’s in isn’t always amazing, but they’re consistently interesting in some way — and he’s at least doing some fascinating character work in the process. It’s easy to see how he might have assumed that “London Fields,” based on the beloved 1989 dark comedy mystery novel of the same name, and co-starring actors like Amber Heard, Jason Isaacs, and Cara Delevingne, would be one of his better movies. Well, you know what they say about those who assume.

The Rotten Tomatoes consensus of “London Fields” specifically addresses what a waste of talent and source material it is, saying that the Matthew Cullen-directed film “bungles its beloved source material and an intriguingly eclectic cast, leaving audiences with a would-be neo-noir of interest only to the morbidly curious.” Its 0% rating suggests that even the morbidly curious might want to steer clear. In all honesty, it isn’t particularly difficult to find awful movies in Heard’s filmography, but both Thornton and Delevingne being roped into this absolutely stinker is far more disappointing. 

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