Little-Known Facts About Olivier Richters

Between his congenital bone condition and his well-above-average height, Olivier Richters had the deck stacked against him when it came to building muscle. In 2008, when Richters was 19 years old, he began weight training to compensate for a leg injury he sustained while playing basketball — at the time, he weighed just 176 pounds (or 80 kilograms). By the time he underwent the procedure to correct the growth of his ribs in 2011, he had packed on over 50 pounds (much of which appeared to be muscle).
Though he lost some of his progress during his five-month recovery process, he still managed to pass 275 pounds by 2013 — and when he first met the Mountain in 2016, he was weighing in at over 330 pounds. As of 2024, Richters’ Instagram bio claims he currently weighs 353 pounds.
Without making a dedicated effort to pack muscle onto his already recognizable physique, the actor wouldn’t have been able to enjoy the unique career he does today. “The more I got in proportion with my length and size, the more interest people showed,” he explained on Instagram, recalling that this transformation opened doors for him in the TV and commercial industries before he made the jump to film.