Star Wars’ Strongest Lightsaber Cut a Star Destroyer in Half With One Swing

So far, Star Destroyers haven’t faced much trouble from Force-users in “Star Wars” canon. The non-Force-sensitive Vice Admiral Holdo (Laura Dern) notably manages to split one in half with a Resistance cruiser and a creative use of hyperspace, as seen in the audience-splitting “Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi.” While this is a risky move that ultimately pays off and endures as one of the film’s best moments, it doesn’t involve a Jedi weapon — much less a souped up one like Karre’s lightsaber — or the Force. However, in non-canon materials, it’s not uncommon for Force-users handle Star Destroyers on their own.
Aside from Karre’s breathtaking destruction of Am’s Star Destroyer, another prominent example of a Force-user wrecking such a ship comes from the “Star Wars” Legends video game “Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.” While on the junk planet of Raxus Prime, Starkiller (Sam Witwer) is attacked by Imperial forces. As he hacks through stormtroopers and TIE fighters, General Rahm Kota (Cully Fredricksen) urges him to get rid of the Star Destroyer above. To do so, the Sith-turned-Jedi grabs it with the Force, and with great strain and concentration, pulls it out of the sky and crashes it onto the planet below.
Evidently, outside of “Star Wars” canon, Star Destroyers can’t catch a break with Force users. Considering how over-the-top Karre and Starkiller’s feats are, it’s unlikely such moments will be replicated in canon in the future, but with “Star Wars” being the way it is, it’s probably best to never say never.