Superman’s New Movie Costume May Rip From A Controversial Look

From the obviously interesting combination of the greatest DC superhero out there and one of the most successful movie directors to the fact that the film will feature the live-action debut of the Authority, there are all sorts of cool curveballs “Superman” might throw. Before all of that, of course, there’s the matter of the suit — and if MyTimeToShineHello’s intel is correct, fans will have plenty of fat to chew.
This is because the “New 52” Superman costume is a pretty far cry from the classic Superman suit that Clark Kent wears under his street clothes. This version is a full-on nanotech suit that effectively appears and disappears as needed, and has far more subtle highlights than Supes’ usual costumes, which underline its technology vibe. It also boasts a metallic version of the “S” logo, a red belt, and no trunks. Oh, and it’s pretty divisive among the fandom, to say the least, so using a version of this particular suit would definitely be an interesting choice from James Gunn.