The Deadpool & Wolverine Trailer Shot That Was Left Out Of The Movie

It’s pretty much an accepted fact that movie trailers often contain scenes or bits of dialogue that don’t end up in the finished film. There are multiple reasons why that happens: some are edited out of the film for length or pacing, others are cut because they don’t quite work within the context of the movie, and still others are used as deliberate misdirects — with Marvel Studios known especially for that tactic.
We can’t say, however, that a scene left out of “Deadpool and Wolverine,” but still visible in the trailer, qualifies as the latter. In fact, the scene itself — in which Logan (Hugh Jackman) and Wade (Ryan Reynolds) grab some lunch in an abandoned diner in the Void — is still very much in the film. But a brief, four-second exchange of dialogue did not make the final cut. “You mind putting your mask back on?” asks Logan as he watches a scarred, maskless Wade scarf down some Spam. “It’s super hard to eat while I’m wearing it,” replies Deadpool. “It’s super hard to eat when you’re not,” shoots back the Wolverine, who ends up not eating anyway.
It’s just one of many jokes and putdowns that ping-pong between the X-Man and the Merc with a Mouth, but fans on Reddit caught its omission and had some thoughts on why it was left out.
Marvel trailers are often different from the finished movies
According to the Reddit discussion about the missing “Deadpool and Wolverine” dialogue, this is nothing new when it comes to Marvel Studios. “Marvel does this a lot,” wrote Joezepey. “Recycling cut scenes in trailers.” Spongeboy1985 noted that Marvel most likely did this as a means to keep as much of the plot of “Deadpool and Wolverine” a secret as long as possible. “Trailers are often cut while the film is being edited,” they wrote. “Happens with a lot of movies. Also the movie kept a lot of the plot under wraps so better to use extra scenes that aren’t going to be in the film.”
While the sequence from “Deadpool and Wolverine” feels more like just a joke that simply didn’t make it over the finish line — again, perhaps because director Shawn Levy felt the scene was running long, or the bit didn’t land right within the scene — Marvel has definitely played with footage in trailers before to throw fans off the scent of possible spoilers.
The most infamous, perhaps — which was also mentioned in the Reddit post — was the removal of Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) in the Hulkbuster armor from the trailer for “Avengers: Infinity War,” where he was replaced by a normal-looking Hulk to keep Banner’s Hulk dysfunction narrative a surprise. Likewise, trailers for “Avengers: Endgame” erased Smart Hulk from several shots to keep the character hidden until the movie’s release.
Lots of Marvel movies change or leave out scenes
The two previous “Deadpool” movies have also left scenes or alternate takes out of the theatrical release, most notably a sequence in the first film’s trailer where Weasel (T.J. Miller) comes up with a whole mess of colorful descriptions of Wade’s mutated visage (they used different ones in the film itself). As for “Deadpool and Wolverine,” Reddit users also pointed out that a shot of Deadpool standing up from a split in the TVA elevator is missing, as is a line of dialogue spoken by Pyro (Aaron Stanford).
Will any of this or other unused material show up somewhere down the line in an extended cut of the film for home video? At the very least, Marvel is known for including outtakes, alternate takes, and bloopers on their Blu-ray releases, as MonkeyFamilyDaddy noted: “I mentioned it the other night to my wife,” they wrote, “how I can’t wait for deleted scenes and bloopers from the movie to see all the stuff.”
At least most moviegoers seem to take this kind of thing in stride. In 2022, two Ana de Armas fans who rented the movie “Yesterday” on Prime Video claimed that the movie’s trailer lied to them by featuring de Armas even though her scenes were ultimately excised from the film. The fans sued Universal Pictures, beginning a two-year legal odyssey in which they ended up getting nothing for their trouble. Even Marvel fans don’t get that angry.