The Overlooked Survival Thriller That Blew Up Netflix
“Cold Meat” follows David (Leech), who is navigating his way through Colorado. After making a pit stop at a diner, he encounters Ana (Bergman), a waitress who has an abusive husband (Yan Tual). Taking Ana with him on his journey, things go awry when David’s car crashes, leaving them stranded in a terrifying snow blizzard. The movie takes an unexpected turn that audiences will certainly enjoy.
Lean and mean, “Cold Meat” is a minimalistic film set in the great outdoors. This is a classic survival thriller through and through, showing the deep, torturous psychological effects of bracing the elements. The cast is small but mighty and the film runs at a speedy 90 minutes, making it the perfect thriller to watch if you’re short on time. While speaking with The Hollywood News at FrightFest 2023, where the film premiered, director Sébastien Drouin explained that his movie is perfect for those who love suspenseful narratives. “It’s a mix between psychological thriller, dark humor, and survival … it’s a strange mix, in fact, but I think it works,” he said.
Loved “Cold Meat” and need something just as chilling? Check out the 30 best thrillers on Netflix.