The Real Reason Glen Powell Looks So Different

Glen Powell is committed to making weight by the time “Huntington” begins shooting — but that doesn’t mean he has to like it. Being forced to order low-carb, less-than-hearty options at restaurants all the time can take a toll on a person, especially someone who’s more used to bulking up for roles than slimming down. He joked to Lacey Rose of The Hollywood Reporter, “I’ve almost given up on this diet, like, three times … I’m like, ‘Can’t we just change the character?'”
But never let it be said that Powell isn’t committed to his art. When Rose got into contact with him again weeks later, he had hit his goal weight, shrinking down to 175 pounds. He credits his weight loss to heaping bowlfuls of bone broth — not exactly the most appetizing food on the planet, but hey, whatever gets you there — and a little can-do spirit. As one of Hollywood’s biggest stars in 2024, it seems that there’s little he can’t do. The world is his oyster, as they say. (If he’s allowed to eat oysters, that is.)