The Superman Set Photos of Isabela Merced Are Infuriating Hawkgirl Fans

There are hints of a really solid Hawkgirl look in the leaked “Superman” pictures. The helmet is pretty spot on, and she’s seen carrying a mace, just like her comic and animated counterparts. Still, they can’t quite redeem the bland, uninspired leather top, pants, and jacket that hardly evoke the character DC fans know and love. It’s worth noting that Hawkgirl, Mr. Terrific, and Guy Gardner all wear similar outfits, albeit with small tweaks to differentiate them. They all feature a logo in the center of the shirt that could reveal how their story will play out — and how they’ll all get more comic-accurate costumes in the end.
The emblem present on all of their costumes belongs to Lord Tech, the company owned by the shady Maxwell Lord, who’s set to appear in the film as portrayed by Sean Gunn — a casting choice James Gunn faced criticism for. The obvious implication is that these suits are provided by Lord and that he’s collaborating with these heroes, potentially playing a role in the formation of the Justice League International. Since he’s traditionally a DC villain, one could imagine that they’ll turn their backs on him and his company during the story, aligning with Superman. As a result, they’ll probably ditch their Lord Tech gear and take on different super suits as they embark on a new chapter in their crime-fighting careers.
If set photos don’t leak beforehand, fans will get to see if Hawkgirl will get a less dull and controversial suit in “Superman” when the film premieres on July 11, 2025.