The Surprising Batman Role Kiefer Sutherland Rejected

Signing on for a non-existent Robin in 1989’s “Batman” wouldn’t have been the strangest thing in the world for Kiefer Sutherland. In fact, that very thing happened for the sequel. One behind-the-scenes secret from “Batman Returns” is that Robin appeared in an early draft but was later cut. Marlon Wayans was cast to play the character, but even though he didn’t wind up with any work, he still got paid and collects residuals. Not a bad payday for zero work.
Of course, Chris O’Donnell would eventually assume the role of Batman’s sidekick in “Batman Forever” and the follow-up, “Batman & Robin.” Neither movie was particularly well-received, and Robin has been largely put on ice in cinematic adaptations. Joseph Gordon-Levitt kind of played the character in “The Dark Knight Rises,” but that largely amounted to an Easter egg at the very end when John Blake’s legal name turns out to be “Robin.” Zack Snyder had plans for an epic fight between Joker (Jared Leto) and Robin if he ever made “Justice League 2,” but that never materialized. All we got from Snyder’s films was the implication Robin was killed, as Batman (Ben Affleck) sadly looks at his spray-painted costume.
Hollywood isn’t going to stop making Batman movies any time soon. While Sutherland is a tad old to play Robin these days, there could be a role for him somewhere in one of the Batman movie franchises Warner Bros. has in the works.