Things That Movies And TV Predicted For 2024

Writer Harlan Ellison did a lot of pioneering stuff in the area of forward-looking fiction, and his material has been adapted into just about every medium there is. Sometimes, even a single Ellison story would cross multiple mediums — like his 1969 short story “A Boy and His Dog,” which would eventually become a novella, a graphic novel, and a live-action movie. The film stars Don Johnson as Vic, an 18-year-old boy with no understanding of morality who scavenges in a post-apocalyptic United States with the help of his telepathic dog Blood.
Released in 1975, the movie focuses primarily on 2024 as its setting, “a future you’ll probably live to see,” said the tagline. Positioning itself as a dark comedy, some of the film’s content has proven to be highly contentious over the years, but it remains a cult favorite to this day. “It is a movie that reflects its times, and yet speaks to current intelligence,” Ellison told The Dissolve when “A Boy and His Dog” was released on Blu-ray.
Writer/director L.Q. Jones claims that the movie inspired George Miller in creating the “Mad Max” films, the first of which debuted just four years later, and people who worked on the “Fallout” games have cited it as an influence. “‘A Boy and His Dog’ inspired ‘Fallout’ on many levels, from underground communities of survivors to glowing mutants,” designer and scripter Jesse Heinig told The Escapist.