What General Grievous From Star Wars Looks Like In Real Life

During the 2000s, Batman and Harry Potter saved Gary Oldman during his darkest moment when he portrayed James Gordon in Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy and Sirius Black in the Harry Potter films. He almost lent his considerable talents to another major franchise, revealing on the podcast “Happy Sad Confused” that he actually recorded General Grievous lines for “Revenge of the Sith” director George Lucas. Oldman was very complimentary of his time with the filmmaker, but he had to leave the project due to union rules. The veteran actor (understandably) did not want risk any repercussions, so Lucas had to go in a different direction.

Oldman’s union rules issue benefitted Matthew Wood, who anonymously submitted his audition and beat out many other actors to land the part. He’s since reprised the villain on multiple occasions, including animated TV shows “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” and “Star Wars: Tales of the Empire,” which makes General Grievous scary again. The character’s voice is so well-known now that it’s difficult to imagine anyone else playing him. As for Oldman, perhaps he can still leave his mark on the galaxy far, far away in one of the many Star Wars movies or TV shows in development.

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