Whatever Happened To The Jerky Boys?

A lot has been said about Johnny Brennan’s career both within and outside of The Jerky Boys in the 21st century. But what has former Jerky Boy Kamal Ahmed been up to since cutting the cord on his prank phone call-making days? Though he has played small roles in movies throughout the 2000s and 2010s, Ahmed’s primary career path over the last couple of decades has been filmmaking, joining a long tradition of actors who became directors.

Ahmed wrote, directed, and produced his first movie, “God Has a Rap Sheet,” in 2003. Since then, he’s applied that same triple-threat approach to five more films, up through 2018’s “The Martyr Maker.” He also produced the 2010 movie “Circus Maximus,” and took director-only duties for 2012’s “Brutal.” He’s recently branched out into television, writing, directing, and producing the 2022 mini-series “Crash the System,” which is available on multiple streaming services. 

When contacted by Rolling Stone for a 2014 retrospective on The Jerky Boys, Ahmed didn’t mince words on how he perceived his own career trajectory vs. Brennan’s, saying, “He’s still doing the same thing like a 51-year-old idiot and I make independent movies that deal with the struggles of man … I went on to more meaningful things.”

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