Who Is ‘Bob’ In The Thunderbolts Trailer & Why Does He Scare Marvel Fans?

The “Thunderbolts*” have finally made their cinematic debut in a brand new trailer that pits this not-so-squeaky-clean ensemble at each others’ throats for reasons that have yet to be revealed. Most of the Marvel misfits that are dropping in and doing damage in the brand new preview are ones we’re already familiar with, but in between Florence Pugh’s Yelena dodging knives and Wyatt Russell’s U.S. Agent chucking his shield around, there’s one unknown that at a glance appears to be the least threatening of them all. That, friends, is Bob (Lewis Pullman), and it might be surprising to know that he may very well be the most terrifying character in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe.

A timid-looking soul at first glance, Bob is actually the yet-to-be-introduced Sentry, one of the most powerful characters in all of Marvel history. He’s been rumored to be part of this movie ever since Steven Yeun was cast in the film before he ultimately left due to scheduling issues, leaving the upcoming “Salem’s Lot” star to take over the role. Debuting in the comics in 2000, Bob Reynolds was such a threat that knowledge of his power was literally erased from existence as a safety precaution, a mind-wiping so complete that even his former teammates on the Avengers failed to remember him.

But just what kind of risk can come from such a mild-mannered individual like Bob? And could his appearance in “Thunderbolts*” cause trouble not just for the titular team-in-progress but rip the universe a new one while he’s at it?

The Thunderbolts Trailer’s Bob Is Actually Marvel Most Powerful Superhero

The MCU might have some characters that are already packing some ridiculous power, but The Sentry swooping may not so much level the playing field as it could decimate it. Created by Paul Jenkins, Jae Lee, and Rick Veitch, Bob Reynolds was a drug addict who became a superhero, wielding the “power of one million exploding suns.” While looking for his next fix, Reynolds broke into a lab where scientists were attempting to recreate Captain America’s super soldier serum. Bob found the serum, drank a dose, and turned into a godlike being.

The serum gave Reynolds a whole host of Superman-style powers, including increased strength, speed, and durability, all of which were tested at the Project Sentry site. This may explain why Bob is seen wearing hospital scrubs and looking a little unsure about what’s happening in the trailer. Is there a chance that he could be an off-the-books experiment that the Thunderbolts find and ultimately let loose? If so, it won’t just be the Sentry who’s let off the leash if the character’s complicated back story makes it into the MCU. In a world with so many dual identities and characters that are closely monitored out of fear of turning angry, Bob’s cape-wearing world saver has a dark side of his own that not even the Hulk is able to handle — the Sentry’s arch-nemesis, the Void.

The Void Is The Sentry’s Enemy Within and Is Terrifying to Marvel Fans

Where to begin with a villain as dangerous as the Void? Unlike the void we last saw Logan and Wade Wilson dropped into in “Deadpool & Wolverine,” this being’s first appearance on Earth occurred back in 1600 BCE. It was interpreted by humans as the Angel of Death, the deliverer of God’s final plague that befell the Egyptians.

Thousands of years later, the Void found a counterpart in Bob Reynolds and his superhero alias. It used the hero’s own powers, taking control of his body to perform monstrous acts on the world and those closest to Bob, killing an unthinkable million people in Manhattan in the process. In short, the Void would be one of the MCU’s most monstrous forces if it’s set loose. In the comics, Bob sought the help of Doctor Strange and Reed Richards to put a stop to the Void’s deeds. In the end, they made everyone, including Bob, forget the Sentry’s existence, removing the Void’s control over him and neutralizing its threat.

While “Thunderbolts*” looks to be one of the more grounded Marvel entries we’ve had in recent years, could it throw a curveball in the film’s final act and introduce the Void to do some damage that no single hero can face alone? More importantly, how will the Sentry fit into all this, and what could he mean for the MCU going forward?

The Thunderbolts, Bob and The Sentry Could Change the MCU Forever

We already know from the brief glimpse the trailer gives us that Bob is going to at least come in contact with the iconic S for Sup … sorry, Sentry. But will it be before or after the Thunderbolts unite to rein in the man who has the potential to be their most terrifying team member? If so, other important chapters of Bob’s Marvel Comics story may suggest what the future holds for him and the newly-formed Thunderbolts, and it might see them standing in for Marvel’s most famous super team. Just a darker version.

That interesting asterisk is still present in the Thunderbolts’ title, suggesting that things are subject to change for this unofficial team. It’s worth noting that, in the comics, the Sentry actually became a member of the New Avengers in, appropriately enough, “New Avengers” #10, if only so he could be monitored by the likes of Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. Some time later, though, Norman Osborn formed his own team of Dark Avengers, comprised primarily of villains masquerading as heroes — and the Sentry. Might these pivotal points in Bob’s life be replicated in the MCU, and could the Thunderbolts unknowingly be teed up to become a version of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes? Given that in the comics, Marvel currently has a brand new hero taking on the Sentry identity, there’s a chance that Bob’s tough alter-ego will play a big part in the MCU going forward. We’ll just have to wait and see how big of a role (and if the world can handle it) when “Thunderbolts*” arrives on May 2, 2025.

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