Who Is More Powerful: Thanos Or The Hulk?

When it comes to the not-so-jolly green giant and the Infinity Stone-obsessed tyrant of the galaxy, people have long wondered: who would win in a fight between The Hulk and Thanos? It’s a query that fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe may feel they already know the answer thanks to “Avengers: Infinity War” more or less addressing the issue head-on. In what felt like more of a statement than a showdown, the gamma-fueled rage monster proved to be of little threat to the mad Titan.
But like so many things in the MCU, we have to wonder if this is comic book accurate. Would the Infinity Gauntlet’s most feared wearer really be able to put the strongest Avenger down with such ease? The history of these two absolute units stretches back decades, with the pair repeatedly coming to blows in battles that led to shocking results. In the end, though, it’s that shiny gold glove that makes all the difference when the two have engaged in big, splash page-worthy scraps. The bottom line is, should the situation ever arise where the master tactician and nasty piece of work, Thanos, is without his gauntlet, the ridged chin baddie just isn’t powerful enough to take down the jade giant, because (if you didn’t know already) Hulk is the strongest one there is. Surprised? Read on, because we’ve got the receipts.
Hulk is stronger than Thanos (and Thanos knows it)
He might’ve put Banner’s barbaric alter-ego down in the MCU, but in the comics, game recognizes gamma-tinted game, and even Thanos himself admits that Hulk really does outclass him in terms of muscle. In the metal-tastic series “Mech Strike: Monster Hunters,” the Mad Titan was humble enough to be open about his verdant-hued adversary. Given a power upgrade and a monstrous new form thanks to Doctor Doom (who might be stronger, eviler, and an all-round better villain), Thanos thanks his then partner-in-crime for being given an eye of the Kraken, which amplifies his strength enough to ensure he can hold his own against Hulk. “My compliments, Doom!” he says to the leader of Latveria. “In the past, I have enhanced my might with cosmic energy while facing this brute, but with the Kraken’s eye, I am his equal on physical strength alone.”
Acknowledging these variables confirms that if it comes to a bare-knuckle brawl between two of the most imposing characters in the Marvel Universe, the Hulk simply packs more power in his punches thanks to his unrestrained rage — in the comic book universe, at least.
When it comes to Earth-616, where this world’s resident super soldier looks like the Human Torch of another, the Thanos that Josh Brolin brings to life really is just a more skilled opponent than Bruce Banner’s “other guy.” This is mainly because the minds behind “Avengers: Infinity War” took the more educated approach of (checks notes) it being an awesome idea to level their Thanos up.
Hulk is stronger, but Thanos is a better fighter
What’s Hulk gonna do with all that thump? All that thump to throw a punch? Well, whatever it is, his left cross isn’t anywhere as precise as the one Thanos swings when taking someone on in the MCU. In an “Avengers: Infinity War” moment that left audiences around the world whispering “Oh, dear” in unison, Thanos ducked, dodged, and dismantled the Hulk before the title card arrived. This show-stopping moment was eventually revealed by the creative forces behind the film as something they devised in order to set the tone going forward and show the world just how dangerous this Thanos really was.
In an interview with Collider, “Infinity War” co-writer Stephen McFeely provided this post-match analysis: “[Thanos] takes out the previous reigning champion, and by defeating Hulk relatively savagely and easily, hopefully, there’s a sense of dread over the course of the rest of the movie for anyone who will come up against him, and so that’s just sort of a scene design.” Of course, now times have changed, and Banner has found an inner balance to put his brains and the Hulk’s brawn together in one massive package. This “Professor Hulk” incarnation might be able to turn the tide in a rematch that we’ll unfortunately never get. Or will we?
Does a deleted scene leave an opening for Thanos and a second round with the Hulk?
The MCU might be heading into a new dawn with Doom, but there’s still a chance that somehow Thanos could return and, as a result, set up another showdown between himself and the big green guy he previously put to shame. The man behind the purple mug, Josh Brolin, has teased his character’s return, but in a deleted scene that you can see on Disney+, an alternative conversation between Bruce and The Ancient One (Tilda Swinton) theorizes about Thanos’ status post-“Avengers: Endgame.” Instead of talk involving timeline deviations sparking new ones, she explains that she took a peek beyond her demise in “Doctor Strange” and witnessed Thanos’ universe-shaking snap.
The good news is that those that disappeared were not dead. They were simply “willed out of existence” and thrown into a limbo-like realm, which explains why they were able to be brought back thanks to Tony Stark’s sacrifice. The bad news, of course, is that this means Thanos has been sent to that off-the-map domain and has every chance to come back as well. Perhaps this time, though, Bruce’s harnessing of the Hulk’s powers could lead to a rematch against the purple-universe pummeler with a more favorable outcome on his part.
But while we wait to see the potential return of Brolin’s snap-happy psychopath, Marvel Comics has given the angriest pea-green protagonist in the universe a shot at the title. And in doing so, they’ve also given Thanos the beating we always knew the Hulk could dish out.
The Hulk and Thanos’ latest showdown ended with one clear winner
After three years of the large green fella in purple shorts hanging his head just a little lower following his defeat at the hands of the MCU’s biggest big bad, the Hulk finally served Thanos some payback in Marvel Comics’ “Incredible Hulk” Annual #1. Written by Derek Landy and illustrated by Geoff Shaw, the story sees Thanos’ hunt for an Infinity Stone halted by a giant green barrier blocking the way. The Mad Titan suffers an undeniable loss at the hands of Marvel’s most repetitive trouser-tearer, giving both the Hulk and his fans a little bit of satisfaction that the good guy won this battle.
While the results of this throwdown prove definitively that Hulk can handle his own against Thanos when the latter isn’t boosted by the Infinity Gauntlet, the truth of the matter is that things could change further down the line. The battle between brawny good and evil will rage on, just like the Hulk. On this occasion though, there’s unquestionable evidence to confirm that without prep time or a reality-altering accessory, the Incredible Hulk can dish out an a**-whopping capable of bringing a perfect balance to the butt-kicking universe. It’s your move, wrinkly Grimace.