Why The Gladiator 2 Trailer Has A Huge Amount Of YouTube Dislikes

It’s not hard to argue against the criticism the song’s music choice has received. While it makes strategic sense to use a popular rap song to market your film, especially to younger audiences, it feels a bit misguided. Seeing as the OG “Gladiator” is considered one of the best action movies of all time, it makes sense that fans are being critical over the sequel’s more unique creative decisions. One choice that has people scratching their heads is Denzel Washington’s accent as Macrinus. Key plot details point to Washington’s “Gladiator 2” character being a devious individual in the Empire, making him perfectly cast, at least on paper. 

Many viewers are a bit surprised that Washington is using his signature New York accent to play a member of the Roman Empire. “So Denzel is basically portraying Denzel as an ancient Roman,” joked @BengalTiger47 in a comment that has over 24,000 likes, making this an extremely common criticism. Fans are finding Washington’s character to be lacking innovation, with some saying that he’s not bringing anything new to the table. “Denzel looks like he is in ‘Training Day 2’ Rome Edition,” said @dobriyvecher. “is [D]enzel playing a time traveler?” asked @bluetreacle. “he’s acting like someone from 2024 who’s gone back to ancient [R]ome for a laugh.” 

These criticisms are fair, and Washington’s lack of an era-accurate accent does stand out. Then again, this is historical fiction, and it’s not like the original “Gladiator” had accurate accents to begin with.

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