A Perfect Combination of Blockchain and Healthcare

In this era, one may have heard a lot about blockchain. It is a modern use of technology where the sequence of any event plays an important role. There are many avenues where this technology is already rolled out and yet many more options are being open for the same. In this technology, the information or sequence is created in a block and attached to each other in a series or chain. Hence one cannot play with the data and manipulate the same to have some undue advantage from it.

The technology: 

As per this technology, the information is created with some blocks, and various users can keep on adding more information to the same block only. No one is allowed to create a new block, and hence, there is no probability to play with the data by anyone. The blockchain solution providers can make one create a new block, but it has to be there in the sequence of the previous block only. In case of any additional requirement of data, there are authorities, which can create side bocks that can be used as supplements to the current blocks and hence one can have complete data available as and when required.

The utility: 

This technology has got immense utility in the field of medical and healthcare also. Blockchain in healthcare India is not that much popular yet but it is gradually penetrating the market, and many more organizations start using the same. The market of healthcare in India is very large, and hence, there is huge scope for this technology to be helpful to the industry. In healthcare, one can keep records of his health, various treatments and other options that can help one to take a necessary decision in the event of poor health or emergency.

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Why is it helpful to society?  

In many incidents, it is noted that important information for a particular profile is missing, which proves highly detrimental to the profile as well as others. To avoid such thing the blockchain can be the most useful as one cannot manipulate the information, and hence one can know the true status of the event. The blockchain can prove helpful to a number of areas where the record and information play a vital role. It is though new in society and uses; it has got an excellent future where it can be used and offer the best of the class service from the same.

Not only in the field of healthcare but it can be used to a number of other areas such as criminal record, one’s service record, land and revenue records, insurance, banking and many more. The utility of this technology in the present era is limited, but in the coming years, it will surely be seen in many more sectors. In the field of production and departmental stores also one can easily know the transaction history with the help of the blockchain which can help one know the true status of the event that might have taken place in the concerned area.

Read Also :  A Perfect Combination of Blockchain and Healthcare

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