Deadpool’s Creator Responded To The New Trailer’s Hilarious Feet Joke

Fans of “Deadpool” movies might remember that this isn’t the first time the films have foot-themed fun at Rob Liefeld’s expense. In “Deadpool 2,” Deadpool finds it difficult to appreciate Domino’s (Zazie Beetz) luck-based powers, and since Domino also happens to be one of Liefield’s co-creations, the Merc with a Mouth immediately starts snarking about her power set sounding like someone with foot-drawing difficulties invented it.

As with “Deadpool & Wolverine,” Liefeld permitted Ryan Reynolds to use the joke. “Ryan calls me and says, ‘Rob, we have this joke, I wanna run it by you. Please share me your thoughts,'” the artist told Inverse. “I said, ‘Ryan, I absolutely love it.'”

According to director Shawn Levy, “Deadpool & Wolverine” is not what Marvel fans think, in that it’s not so much a “Deadpool 3” as it is its own thing. However, the return of Liefeld jokes is a pretty strong indicator that the movie fully intends to keep the “Deadpool” films’ irreverent spirit alive. 

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