Do Marvel Movie Stars Use Steroids? A Real-Life Doctor May Know The Truth

There are numerous reasons why an actor may not want to disclose their use of steroids. Whether for fear of public backlash, loss of credibility, or unintentionally inspiring a fan to follow in their footsteps (without the safety resources available to a Hollywood star backed by a billion-dollar studio), it isn’t hard to see why they still largely refuse to speak openly about performance-enhancing drugs. 

On the other hand, this secrecy essentially requires that, by either mere omission of truth or outright lying, an actor using PEDs presents their physique as naturally obtainable. This may be why some are attempting to walk a tightrope between full disclosure and denial in order to provide a more nuanced conversation around these buzzy transformations.

When Kumail Nanjiani revealed his “Eternals” physique for the first time on Instagram, he clearly aimed to balance celebrating his personal achievement with being transparent with his many followers. Though he didn’t admit to steroid use, he wrote, “I’m glad I look like this, but I also understand why I never did before. It would have been impossible without these resources and time.” 

Regardless of whether or not Nanjiani used PEDs, the actor seemingly wanted to impress upon fans that his workout and diet regimen are far beyond what a normal person could accomplish without tremendous outside help. He’s not trying to demoralize them by claiming it’s impossible, but to dissuade them from using his unrealistic results as a benchmark of success.

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