Don’t Miss Your Chance To Win This Clerks Premium Box Set Giveaway

Do you want to add the “Clerks” trilogy to your collection? Even if you already own all three films, you won’t want to miss out on this release.

Kevin Smith’s View Asknewniverse is a diverse cinematic world, one that’s populated by lovable nerds, slackers, and larger-than-life characters. However, the cult-favorite franchise wouldn’t exist without “Clerks,” a low-budget indie comedy about the Quick Stop store and its nerdy, socially awkward employees. The films follow Dante (Brian O’Halloran), Randal (Jeff Anderson), Jay (Jason Mewes), and Silent Bob (Kevin Smith) as they pass the time arguing about “Star Wars” and playing hockey on the roof. There are also some questionable bachelor parties involving donkeys, toilet incidents with dead people, and sentimental moments that are genuinely sweet and mushy.

To celebrate all things “Clerks,” Looper and its sister site /Film are teaming up to give one lucky person an Amazon-exclusive Premium Box Set of all three films. If you want to enter the giveaway, keep reading for more details.

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