George Clooney Pokes Fun At Returning As Batman After His Flash Cameo

Though many takes on The Caped Crusader, including Val Kilmer’s and Adam West’s, have been criticized by fans, few have garnered the kind of flack that George Clooney’s Batman in “Batman and Robin” did. While this is more the film’s fault than Clooney’s, it hasn’t stopped fans from making fun of the goofy, campy nature of the film.

In fact, “Batman and Robin” is regularly mentioned among the worst movies of all time and is responsible for killing the franchise so badly that the series needed to be rebooted entirely with Christopher Nolan’s “Batman Begins” in 2005. While other iterations since, like the animated version of Batman in “The Killing Joke” and Ben Affleck’s murderous Dark Knight in “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” have also come under fire, no version of this key DC character is as widely despised as the one in the 1997 Joel Schumacher film.

Though Clooney’s appearance punctuates the end of “The Flash” in a memorable way, especially for fans who saw “Batman and Robin” upon its initial release, it’s likely safe to assume – as Clooney suggested — that this is the last time that we’ll be seeing him as the character.

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