James Marsden Becomes Green Lantern For James Gunn’s DCU In Cool Concept Design

He might not have donned those rose-tinted glasses since his cameo in “X-Men: Days of Future Past,” but James Marsden hasn’t ruled out giving them another try in the future. In an interview with The Wrap, Marsden admitted he was open to reprising his role as Cyclops if the essential elements were in place. “Sure, yeah. I mean, I’m all about material and what the story is, what the character would be doing, but it’s a character I’ve played that is very close to my heart,” the actor said.
Giving it another go could give Marsden the chance at the Cyclops we know both he and the character deserve, as he’s not the only mutant from that team heading to the MCU. Hugh Jackman will be reprising his role of Wolverine alongside Ryan Reynolds in “Deadpool 3,” and MCU fans are eagerly anticipating a Halle Berry cameo in the movie after her Storm-Y Instagram photo.
Bringing Marsden back as Cyclops would check off a wish that the actor would love to see fulfilled thanks to a franchise he helped build. “You know, that family, I miss it dearly. We created a very special thing in the first couple of ‘X-Men’ movies, and yeah, I’d love to explore that, but I’d want to see what that looks like first, I guess.” Failing that, there’s always one more ring among the Earth’s Green Lanterns that he’d be a perfect fit for.