Ryan Reynolds & Grant Gustin’s MNTN Commercial Explained

Ryan Reynolds practically built the most recent phases of his career, both onscreen and off, by mocking himself. He takes potshots at DC’s Green Lantern” and at Marvel’s “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” — where 20th Century Studios infamously cast him as a mute version of the Merc With a Mouth — whenever he can and audiences eat it up. Even though curated, something is compelling about a member of the Hollywood elite ragging on projects that simply failed to achieve their intended goals. It doesn’t hurt that Reynolds uses his “Deadpool” franchise, which is well known for breaking the fourth wall, to rub salt into his old wounds, either. To his credit, “Deadpool” worked in no small part because it reminded audiences what it improved upon.
Conversely, Grant Gustin’s celebrity persona is far less vindictive. While it’s true that the CW’s “The Flash” series was heavily criticized for leaning into repetitive soap opera plot points, Gustin exited the project after nine seasons with an audience grateful for his time and talent. In fact, during the most strenuous months leading up to the DCU’s “The Flash” film, fans lent their vocal support, with many claiming that Grant Gustin is a better Flash than Ezra Miller. While never requesting such support, Gustin continues to state that he’d happily come back to “The Flash,” should DC ever call.
Reynolds knows what he doing. Getting Gustin onboard for a commercial where they commiserate through kindness is the perfect fuel for both their careers. Plus, and let’s be real, here, it was pretty darn funny.