Sony Is Allegedly Mad At Madame Web’s Dakota Johnson

Over on X (formerly known as Twitter), fans of Dakota Johnson — and people who love “Madame Web” for the campy mess it is — are turning out to support the actor amidst Sony’s alleged anger. As @brockwilbur correctly pointed out, “[I]magine working at [S]ony and thinking that [D]akota [J]ohnson being tepid on a press tour is one of your Top 10 problems right now.” 

User @Acuna_Mattata also made an excellent point by referencing the “Morbius” situation — specifically, when Sony saw online chatter about the 2022 cinematic disaster and thought people liked it, only to re-release it in theaters and watch the Jared Leto flick bomb again. “Dakota Johnson’s commentary on ‘Madame Web’ is the only aspect of the film I was remotely interested in,” they wrote on X. “Between this and the ‘Morbius’ re-release, Sony is so insanely out of touch with the internet.” As for @kellendria21, they bluntly said Johnson is the main draw: “I know I’ve made some jokes about how bad this movie was, however, I want it to be ABUNDANTLY clear to Sony that literally the *only* reason I saw it was because of Dakota Johnson and her star power.”

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