The 2024 Oscars Stunt Person Tribute Was Nonsense And Enough Is Enough

Not only do stunt people risk their lives to create movie magic, but their efforts also captivate audiences. There’s a reason why Tom Cruise’s “Mission: Impossible” stunts make people hold their breath, and audiences keep tuning in to see what he’ll do next. The internet — and beyond — wants to see performers of this ilk win some prizes, so what’s with the hold-up?

Twitter (formerly known as X) user @mattrorabeck echoed the view of many when he argued that this year’s tribute to stunt performers was pointless in the grand scheme of things. “[L]ol honestly thought they were gonna surprise announce a BEST STUNT category for upcoming years, but then they just said “shoutout to you guys” and did nothing.”

Meanwhile, @NatBrehmer noted that the tribute more or less confirmed that the Academy doesn’t have plans to introduce the award people most want to see. “Stunt performers and coordinators, we love you, and we’d like to take this moment to make it explicitly clear that you’re never getting a category.”

That said, some viewers enjoyed the shoutout to stunt performers but weren’t happy about it being nothing more than a few nice words and a fancy video package. “After that incredible montage and presentation, I genuinely thought they were going to announce a Stunts category going forward,” @filmswithamy wrote. “Academy, recognize their hard work.”

If you liked this article, read about movie stunts that were actually real.

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