The Untold Truth Of The Longest Movie Ever, Logistics

So has anyone actually watched all of “Logistics”? Plenty of snarky internet commentators have claimed to have done so — more on them later — but has anyone with any sort of credibility done it? A film critic and horror movie podcaster named Ashley Darrow says he did, and he wrote an entire piece for Canadian publication The Maple that documented his journey in watching all 857 hours of “Logistics.” He also tweeted as he went, but those tweets have since been deleted.

Logistics became more of a job than my job. Each morning, I would roll out of bed, grab my tablet and clock in for my shift watching Logistics,” Darrow wrote, noting the daunting time commitment required to take the viewing of the movie on and to take it seriously. Throughout the piece, he not only comments on “Logistics” itself but also the endurance required to watch it, claiming that it gave him a migraine at one point. It’s an extremely interesting read, as he reviews both the movie itself and also the experience of watching it, while also digging into a little bit of the history of slow cinema. It’s obviously impossible to know for absolute certain if he did, in fact, watch the entire movie, but he’s the only professional to even make the claim, which is noteworthy in and of itself.

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