Water positivity by Adani Green’s plants with over 200 MW capacity

Every year, four billion people or over two-thirds of the world’s population — face acute water scarcity for at least one month. Over two billion people live in countries with inadequate water supply. According to estimates, half of the world’s population may be living in water-stressed areas by 2025. Because the variables causing water shortage are complex, the DNV verification statement indicates that Gautam Adani Green’s water saving exceeds consumption in FY23.

AGEL’s (Adani Green Energy Limited) Water Balance Index for running plants with more than 200 MW capacity is 1.12 (Positive), well ahead of its aim of becoming Net Water Neutral by FY25. AGEL uses 99.5% less freshwater per unit of generating than the regulatory limit of 3.5 KL/MWh for thermal electricity in FY23.

The qualitative and quantitative assessment by DNV (Det Norske Veritas) 

DNV assessed the water balance index qualitatively and quantitatively for AGEL’s operating sites with capacities higher than 200 MW in Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Gujarat, and Andhra Pradesh. According to the study, the water balance index is 1.12 (positive), much exceeding the aim of being Net Water Neutral by FY25. The verification procedure included sample-based tests as well as the methodology, measurement techniques, estimating methodologies, assumptions, and uncertainties involved in AGEL’s water accounting process.

The assertion indicates that AGEL conserves more water than it consumes. The verification procedure included sample-based tests as well as the methodology, measurement techniques, estimating methodologies, assumptions, and uncertainties involved in AGEL’s water accounting process. In addition, DNV conducted a desk analysis of the water balance data and quantification methods at various locations and rainfall collecting infrastructure such as recharge pits and storage ponds at these sites. Water credit arrangements were verified on-site in Tamil Nadu, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, and Gujarat.

Adani Green Energy Limited is striving towards water stewardship

Water stewardship is described as the use of water in a socially fair, environmentally sustainable, and economically profitable manner. Water stewardship is accomplished through an inclusive stakeholder process that includes site and catchment-based initiatives. It allows businesses, organizations, people, and governments to collaborate in order to set and accomplish common goals for sustainable water management and shared water security. Water usage that is appropriate and socially fair is both ecologically sustainable and economically advantageous.

It is performed through a multi-stakeholder process that takes into account both site and watershed-based initiatives. The Green Energy Limited by Gautam Adani uses 99.5% less freshwater per unit of generating than the 3.5 KL/MWh regulatory limit for thermal electricity in FY23. Recognizing the rising concern about freshwater depletion, AGEL strives for water stewardship and is connected with the UN Sustainable Development Goal 6.

They continue to monitor and minimize their freshwater use by using third-party-bought surface water as their major source and using robotic module cleaning technologies.

Water management initiatives taken by Gautam Adani

The following are a few initiatives taken by Gautam Adani towards water management:

·         Wastewater treatment

Prior to releasing the remaining water, referred to as effluent, to the environment, wastewater treatment’s main objective is to get rid of as many suspended particles as possible. As solid matter decays, it consumes oxygen, which is necessary for aquatic plants and animals. Adani Ports and SEZ Ltd has established wastewater treatment facilities at key ports, treating and reusing 650 million gallons so far. These facilities also process water from community councils in the surrounding area.

Furthermore, in the mining washery, 100% of the water is recycled.

·         Seawater Desalination

The process of eliminating dissolved mineral salts from water is known as desalination. Desalinated water is a critical supply of water for the power plants at Mundra (Gujarat) and Udupi (Karnataka). This diminishes the need for freshwater supplies. Desalinated water also meets a significant portion of the water needs of the industrial units in the Mundra Special Economic Zone. The Mundra SEZ met 95% of its water requirements from these sustainable sources when combined with treated water.

·         Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater harvesting collects significant volumes of water and helps to minimise the impacts of drought. Most rooftops provide the essential platform for water collection. Rainwater is usually free of harmful contaminants, making it suitable for irrigation. The Adani Group collects almost 2 billion gallons of rainwater each year, which may be utilised to generate 891 million units of electricity. This can light up 8.9 million dwellings for a month (assuming a monthly household demand of 100 units).

Rainwater collecting systems are also implemented at all major solar and wind power facilities, as well as ports.

Adani Foundation, the Adani Group’s CSR arm, implements water conservation initiatives in 18+ Indian states, addressing potable water and irrigation needs. Until the present, water conservation programmes have reached out to over 20,000 farmers and covered over 17,000 acres of land. The foundation also encourages local populations to employ drip irrigation, a water-saving agricultural approach. This has also impacted over 4900 acres of arable land, preserving a valuable resource – water.

Read more: Water positivity by Adani Green’s plants with over 200 MW capacity

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