We Rewatched Deadpool 2 And Here’s What We Noticed

With almost all the X-Force team dead, it’s down to Domino and Deadpool to try to protect Russell from Cable. After parachuting into the city, Domino heads straight for the prisoner transfer truck, and thanks to her luck powers, things miraculously fall into place around her and she lands inside the front compartment. But as this is going on, Wade is in her ear dissing her abilities. “It’s just hard to picture, and certainly not very cinematic,” he says as a car flips behind Domino in the background. “I mean, luck? What coked-out, glass pipe-sucking freak-show comic book artist came up with that little chestnut? Probably a guy who can’t draw feet!” he continues to yell over coms, although the scene proves that Wade massively underestimates her powers.

His comments are typical Deadpool humor, but there’s more to what he said than you might have realized watching “Deadpool 2” for the first time. Wade’s quip about the “guy who can’t draw feet” is actually a dig at Rob Liefeld, who created Deadpool in the comics. Liefeld is famed for never drawing feet in any of his work, typically cutting his characters off above their ankles, though as he has pointed out, this style of drawing quickly spread around the industry. Ryan Reynolds reached out to clear the joke with Liefeld, who was thrilled to be included in the movie. “There’s no greater shout-out in the world,” he told Inverse.

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