Fans Speculate Lucia & Jason Are Based On Ryan Gosling And Eva Mendes

As fantastic as it would be to have two A-listers like Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes in a blockbuster game like “GTA 6,” the lead protagonists Jason and Lucia sound nothing like the two. But the inspiration from their stint in “The Place Beyond the Pines” could be there. In the Derek Cianfrance-directed picture, Gosling plays Luke, a stuntman who enters a life of crime to support his lover, Romina (Mendes). The trailer suggests that “GTA 6” is about Jason and Lucia getting into a life of crime (and romance), though concrete plot details are slim. One thing is certain, however — the two protagonists seem to share the same intimate bond that’s seen in “The Place Beyond the Pines.” 

While the two lead characters could be inspired by both Gosling and Mendes, some fans think that “GTA 6” is taking cues from another crime picture. Reddit user u/Sk8d3rLucia previously suggested that the game could be taking cues from Edgar Wright’s “Baby Driver.” In the film, the lead protagonists are played by Ansel Elgort and Lily James, with the former involved in criminal activities to support his family. 

While it remains to be which films influenced “GTA 6,” one thing is certain: this sort of hype is unprecedented. In the wake of the trailer’s release, many have started to speculate what sort of narrative Lucia and Jason will find themselves in. They’re living a criminal lifestyle, with their exploits giving off a Bonnie and Clyde vibe. And while there’s only one trailer to go off of, fans are already invested in Lucia and Jason’s story. “I hope we don’t have to pick which one gets to live or die at the end,” wrote Reddit user u/TXNOGG. 

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