Hulk’s Biggest Weakness Is Incredibly Disturbing

The Hulk being bombarded by puppies is something fans would undoubtedly love to see in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It’d certainly be preferable to adapting some of Hulk’s grosser and more horrifying moments from the comics. But while a box of puppies is apparently a worthwhile failsafe for S.H.I.E.L.D. to have on hand, it’s far from the only way to take out the not-so-jolly green giant.

Magic and Adamantium are good ways to do some damage to the Hulk, making the likes of Doctor Strange and Wolverine worthy adversaries for him. Another interesting wrinkle in Hulk lore is that he can overdose on too much gamma radiation. While it initially gave Bruce Banner the powers of Hulk, he can’t handle too much, as evidenced by the “Future Imperfect” storyline from the comics by writer Peter David and artist George Perez. In the story, Hulk is sent to the future, where he meets the Maestro, the future version of the Hulk who’s done some truly terrible things. To defeat his future self, Hulk sends him back in time to the moment the gamma bomb went off that originally gave him his powers. However, the radiation is too much for Maestro, and he ends up being disintegrated.

It wouldn’t be very exciting to read Hulk stories if he was always an unstoppable force. There needs to be at least a few ways to either kill him or have him revert back to Bruce Banner, where he’s much easier to deal with. Now, the MCU needs to do the right thing and exploit his weakness with a Hulk movie packed to the brim with adorable pups.

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