Whatever Happened To Clove’s Actress From The Hunger Games?

One year after “The Hunger Games,” Isabelle Fuhrman didn’t stray far from the worlds of horror, action, and drama that fans had come to associate with her. But in 2013’s “Don’t Let Me Go,” a story written and directed by Giorgio Serafini about a family who becomes trapped in a haunted forest, she takes a break from playing the antagonist. Fuhrman portrays Michelle Madsen, daughter of Chris Madsen (James Le Gros) and twin sister of Nick Madsen (Joel Courtney). She’s a tomboy who loves camping and the wilderness … when there aren’t supernatural forces at work. After reading the script, Fuhrman instantly felt a connection to Michelle, and, two weeks after sending in an audition tape, she secured the part.
In a behind-the-scenes interview, she described “Don’t Let Me Go” as being an interesting mash-up of genres: “It’s a little bit of a family sort of film, not really, but slightly, just in that aspect of relationships. And then in spirituality, the idea that there’s this girl, these magical beings that are taking them on this journey. And then there’s this aspect of adventure, of these kids who are just trying to find their way home.”
For Fuhrman, it was a blast to film “Don’t Let Me Go.” Favorite moments included bonding with her fictional twin Courtney on set, singing along to Wang Chung’s “Dance Hall Days” in the car, and working alongside Serafini, who she praised for giving the actors creative freedom,