Mark Wahlberg Confirms One Thing About His Sully Return

Mark Wahlberg is no stranger to physical transformations. To play the titular role in the faith-based drama “Father Stu,” the actor gained over 30 pounds. And for his portrayal as a bodybuilder in Michael Bay’s “Pain and Gain,” Wahlberg put on 40 pounds of muscle in just two months. For “Uncharted,” it was clearly no different, as the actor had to successfully grow out his facial hair to bring Sully’s iconic look to life. “I spent quite a bit of time growing it because, at one point, we tried to do it with a fake mustache, and, I don’t know,” he told The Direct. Ultimately, Walhberg is glad that fans liked the facial hair. “When I finally got the mustache, people really appreciated it. And it was a nice tag to the end of that film.” 

With Sully confirmed to have a mustache in the sequel, one can’t help but imagine what else a second Uncharted film could entail. The first movie ends with the reveal that Nathan Drake’s brother, Sam (Rudy Pankow), is alive and well, albeit locked in prison. While the sequel will more than likely continue this plot point, Wahlberg is hopeful that “Uncharted 2” will improve upon its predecessor, saying, “So if we can make it better than the first, you know, I’d be open to it, but I only know as much as you do right now.”

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