One Spider-Man Costume Is Way Too Violent For The MCU And The Spider-Verse

Given how things ended in “Across the Spider-Verse,” there’s a chance that Miguel O’Hara, aka Spider-Man 2099 (Oscar Isaac), is going to rope together a stricter group of wall-crawlers to capture Miles Morales (Shameik Moore) and restabilize reality as he sees fit. It would make sense for Peter from Earth-8351 to get the call and apply his more intense methods to capture the anomaly and complete the job that others might be reluctant to. Should Miguel press the panic button and deploy a more lethal group of Spider-People, don’t be surprised if a black-eyed crimson-colored version of everyone’s favorite wall-crawler swings in with an itchy trigger finger. It’ll be a Peter, just thankfully not the one we know and love.
That’s not the only place the Spider-shot-wielding killer could turn up. With plans for Amazon’s “Spider-Man: Noir” to spin his own webs and promising a more violent iteration of a wall-crawler who is also packing heat, Assassin Spider-Man could find a home there too and take a shot at bringing the bad guys down in a fashion that Tom Holland’s Peter Parker simply wouldn’t stand for. For now, though, we can be safe knowing that the suit of the MCU Spider-Man will be limited to webbing and maybe a wallet and phone if in a pinch.