Soft & Quiet’s True Story Makes The Horror Movie Even Scarier

For those who are unfamiliar, the Amy Cooper video (via CNN) follows the titular dog walker as she’s told by a nearby bird watcher, Christian Cooper, that her dog must be leashed in the area. From there, things escalate until Christian begins filming Amy as she calls the cops to say that she is “being threatened by an African-American man.”

Clearly, the video struck a chord in Beth de Araújo, who imagined a meeting between six women who look normal in “Soft & Quiet.” However, there’s nothing normal about them, as they’re working together to form a white nationalist newsletter and accost minorities in between dropping racial epithets and doing the Nazi salute in public.

It’s incredibly jarring, and horrifically, the events unfold in real-time with an intensity that will leave you gasping for breath, grimly entranced by the rising tension. “It immediately clicked that I wanted to write a role where [‘Soft & Quiet’ star] Stefanie [Estes] would play a modern-day female White Supremacist,” Araújo explained. “It just clicked from there. I ran the idea by her. She was quite nervous about it, and then I showed her the script once I had it done. She was incredibly brave to take on such a feat.”

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