Star Wars: What Is A Moff?

Following the demise of Grand Moff Tarkin, the Empire was on the back foot a tad before striking back and building a new Death Star. After that plan got blown to space dust and the Emperor with it (sort of), up-and-coming Moff Valco Pandion appointed himself as Grand before being killed in the Battle of Akiva by New Republic forces. It was some time before a new replacement arrived in the form of Moff Gideon (Giancarlo Esposito), who became a major issue for Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal) and Grogu in “The Mandalorian.”

Just like every other major Moff, though, Gideon met a fiery doom in the Season 3 finale of “The Mandalorian” at the hands of our favorite bounty hunter buddy pair and Bo-Katan Kryze (Katee Sackhoff). As it stands, the position of top Moff is vacant. With Grand Admiral Thrawn (Lars Mikkelsen) now back on the scene and on a mission to cause bother to the New Republic, the chances of it being filled again are low. It might be better that way. Grand Moff sounds like a demanding gig with a high chance of explosion.

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