The Ending Of Trolls Band Together Explained

Branch gets frustrated with his brothers’ fighting and walks out on them to go get Floyd himself, but then Branch realizes his brothers have been caught by Velvet and Veneer. One brother goes in each of Velvet and Veneer’s shoulder pads so they can take hits off them on the go, slowly draining their talent.

At the same time, the Bergens, Bridget and King Gristle, are caught by Viva at the mini golf course. They would have been killed had Viva not recognized Bridget from Poppy’s pictures of her. She frees Bridget and King Gristle and they go to get Poppy and Branch. Branch, Poppy, and Tiny Diamond are chasing Velvet and Veneer all around Mount Rageous. Branch and Poppy are picked up by Bridget, Gristle, and Viva, and they manage to dislodge three of the brothers, but Floyd is still in Velvet’s shoulder pad.

That’s when Crimp (Zosia Mamet), Velvet and Veneer’s horribly treated assistant, cuts off their mics and Branch starts to perform. He and his brothers dislodge Floyd from Velvet’s shoulder pad with the sweet sound of their music. At the end of the song, Floyd appears to die for a moment but then he comes back and all is right with the world. Branch and his brothers have reassembled as BroZone, and Branch introduces them to his other band, which isn’t named in the movie but looks a lot like *NSYNC.

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