The Viral Marvel Fan-Made Trailer With Hugh Jackman & Dafne Keen Explained

KH Studio’s trailer has sparked interest from fans who miss seeing Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. For example, YouTube user @ricketyclickit commented, “It would be awesome if something like this came out though. You get an e for effort.” While a direct successor likely isn’t in the cards, Jackman’s time as Wolverine may still have some life left in it beyond “Deadpool 3,” with “Avengers: Secret Wars” rumors teasing the appearance of his Wolverine and the two movie Spider-Men played by Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield, who also appeared in “Spider-Man: No Way Home.”
“Secret Wars” could be the multiversal superhero movie to end all multiversal superhero movies, with numerous characters from previous Marvel movies entering the fray, but everything is just speculation for the moment. Moreover, a lot can change between now and the movie’s 2027 release date, and one would imagine Marvel would want to lay to rest Jackman’s Wolverine at some point to introduce a new Logan specific to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For now, though, fans are having fun imagining what could’ve been with the fan-made “Logan 2” trailer. Surely, somewhere out there in the Multiverse, a “Logan” sequel actually exists.