The Jeffrey Dean Morgan Crime Thriller Getting A Second Life On Netflix

Critics were not kind to “The Postcard Killings” during its initial release. The film stands at a 24% critical approval score on Rotten Tomatoes. Reviews reflect a film with a mishmash of thoughts behind it, none of which seem to land as far as the critics are concerned. The Los Angeles Times’ Noel Murray wrote that the film is “awkwardly pitched between serious art and pulp trash,” and without enough uniqueness to keep it alive as an original production.

Dennis Harvey of Variety called out the film’s lack of depth and the thinly drawn characters that make up the cast. Writing for The Observer, Rex Reed said the film lacks a sense of humor and a consistent feeling. “The script seesaws up and down between subplots while Jeffrey Dean Morgan slogs his way through the whole thing with one expression. He is very good at emotional breakdowns, and does them often. Sort of keeps you awake, if you know what I mean,” he wrote.

While critics don’t seem to think that “The Postcard Killings” is anywhere close to being one of the best thrillers of all time, it appears that Netflix audiences have definitely embraced the movie, flaws and all.

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