Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man Is In The Dark Knight But You Likely Never Noticed Him

While appearing on the podcast “Happy, Sad, Confused,” Anne Hathaway shared her belief that “Spider-Man 4” being cancelled led to her snatching the role of Catwoman in Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight Rises.” The Oscar-winner revealed that she got the part of Black Cat, Spidey’s duplicitous Catwoman-like frenemy, but since the film never materialized, neither did her take on Felicia Hardy.

“I did not get into costume and did not read a script past the audition sides,” Hathaway explained. “I got the part and … That’s probably more the producers’ story to tell than mine, should they ever decide to tell it.” We have a rough idea of what Sam Rami’s “Spider-Man 4” was supposed to look like, but it’s a “What If…?” that the Catwoman of Nolan’s universe can’t help but wonder about. 

According to the star of both “The Dark Knight Rises” and “Interstellar,” “If [Spider-Man 4] had gotten made, I don’t know if I would’ve been considered for [‘The Dark Knight Rises’]. Perhaps [Christopher Nolan] would’ve said, ‘No, she’s occupied in another universe.'” It’s a possibility, but with stars cropping up in various universes since Marvel dared to wander through the Multiverse and DC bringing more than one Batman to the screen at a time, maybe we could’ve handled Hathaway being two kind of cats.

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