Terrifier 3 Leak Reveals A Huge Detail About Art The Clown’s Gruesome Return

Along with the twist of exterminating individuals on Christmas, Priscilla Smith, the CEO and founder of The Coven (the French-based distributor handling “Terrifier 3”), confirmed the third installment will have a larger budget. “There will be a much bigger budget this time around, which is intended to give the filmmakers more creative freedom and let them be as wild as they can be,” Smith said to Deadline. “All jokes aside, we are going for that Oscar this year.”
While the Academy Awards may be a long shot, Leone clarified that he wouldn’t hold back when cultivating Art the Clown’s third movie massacre. “Terrifier 3 will be another boundary-pushing addition to the horror genre, continuing the no-holds-barred, uncompromising exploits fans of the franchise have come to expect and celebrate,” the filmmaker said. “If you thought Art the Clown’s reign of terror in part 2 was extreme, you haven’t seen anything yet.” With a big budget, uncompromising approach, and Christmas setting, “Terrifier 3” might just be the gift that keeps on giving to the slasher genre.