5 Tom King Stories That Might Shape James Gunn’s DC Universe

If James Gunn wants to have some fun with an otherworldly crime drama, the almost concluded “Danger Street” (by Tom King, Jorge Fornés, Dave Stewart, and Clayton Cowles) limited series would allow the eclectic director to explore a more bizarre side of the DC Comics Universe.
In 1975, DC Comics launched a new anthology series, “1st Issue Special,” with each issue starring a different character in hopes of serving as a springboard into popularity and a new ongoing book for those appearing. With several superstar creators involved, including Jack Kirby, Joe Simon, Gerry Conway, Denny O’Neil, Ramona Fradon, and Steve Ditko, the book introduced the likes of Lady Cop, Mark Shaw’s Manhunter, and Warlord while also featuring heroes in need of a boost at the time, such as Metamorpho, the Creeper, Doctor Fate, and the New Gods. The “1st Issue Special” was a failure in that it didn’t help launch any new titles — but more than 45 years after it was released, the idea was remixed into something new.
“Danger Street” stars all the heroes and villains of the original “1st Issue Special,” telling an interconnected tale involving billionaire children, murder, power struggles, and heroism. Somehow, King and Fornés combine the stories of gods, humans, and everything in between while offering a funny — and, at times, dark — reimagining of what was never meant to be a combined story. Centered on Starman and Warlord’s quest to join the Justice League, each issue features a domino falling in the world around them as a result of their terrible plan. “Danger Street” would make an excellent anthology series, with each episode focusing on a different hero.