Why Patrick Stewart Found Doctor Strange 2 ‘Frustrating’ & ‘Disappointing’

To be fair to the conditions on the “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” set, Patrick Stewart’s disappointment wasn’t necessarily the result of a creative decision. The choice to separate the actors making cameos was perhaps partially a COVID safety measure or a means to work around each performer’s schedule. Nevertheless, Stewart found the situation challenging.

Anson Mount, who reprises his “Inhumans” role of Black Bolt in “Doctor Strange 2,” shared a similar account in an interview with Esquire. He suggested the filming conditions were meant to leave room for edits and reshoots. “That was a very interesting shoot because my role came up in the reshoots. As you can imagine, several of the actors were quite busy. Patrick [Stewart] was not there … We had actors playing those roles, knowing that they were going to either be substituting their shots or transplanting faces. I’ve never done anything quite like that, and I was in disbelief of how well it cut together.”

While Mount wasn’t quite as critical of his “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” experience as Stewart, he seems to have found his role disorienting at the very least.

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